Steve Goldstein

Managing Director, Alpha R Cubed
Steven Goldstein is the author of the groundbreaking new book 'Mastering the Mental Game of Trading.'

With nearly four decades of experience in the markets, including almost 25 years as a trader at several leading investment banks, followed by over 15 years coaching some of the world's most prominent traders and investors, Steven brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

'Mastering the Mental Game of Trading' is a culmination of Steven's extensive experience and coaching philosophy, as well as his studies in human behaviour within risk-laden environments and complex organisational systems.

Steven's book and work are dedicated to empowering traders and investors to optimise their actions and decision-making processes. By doing so, he aims to enhance their capacity to identify value and more effectively monetise it within the intricate dynamics of market engagement, risk, and uncertainty.

In the book, Steven introduces unique concepts and frameworks drawn from his personal experiences as both a trader and coach, as well as his in-depth studies of human behaviour within risk-laden environments and complex organisational systems. These are highlighted with additional colour and emphasis by stories and anecdotes shared from his time in the markets both as a trader and coach.

In addition to being an author, coach, and former professional trader, Steven co-hosts the widely acclaimed Alpha-Mind Podcast and writes extensively on the mental challenges of trading.