Andreas Schemm

CEO // Vreo
Andreas Schemm The London Cryptocurrency Show 2018

Thanks to his many years of working in executive positions in a few companies placed in the high- tech and entertainment scene, Andreas has gathered a substantial amount of experience founding and establishing startups as well as running multiple subsidiaries and overseeing a franchising chain. Through the years this accumulated into a huge business network through all branches – for example marketing, game developers, food and beverage and sciences.

After establishing LaserTag into the German market, where he oversaw the PR, HR and marketing efforts for up to 14 sites, Andreas founded Project: Gateway, where he worked on the development of tech demos and other solutions for VR. One development was part of the public reveal of the Razer OSVR at E3 and another VR exhibit for electromobility, commissioned by the German ministry of innovation, is currently touring trade shows. After being funded by Hessen Kapital, he switched his focus to Vreo.